Speaking Topics
Signature Presentations
Adversity is Your Advantage
Frank has worked with many clients as a consultant addressing the challenges they have faced in good times and bad. Given the current challenging climate, he has built on the theme: “You can’t always choose or change the conditions and circumstances in your arena, but you can always choose or change your attitude.” The fact is that our business and our lives are less like a flat water glide than a white water ride. Your mindset must transform the challenge into your advantage. Frank applies techniques for motivation and success in real corporate scenarios that every business person will recognise. This talk is packed with the tools needed to beat the challenges of today’s tougher arenas.
The Winning Difference
This presentation redefines winning in pursuit of excellence. Frank presents a seven step framework for delivering personal performance excellence persistently. While creating a motivational climate that ensures the will to win outweighs fear of failure, he explains the vital cycle of risk – fear - courage that fuels the drive to take the risk of winning. It is, then, about a winning mindset. Its value is as powerful in motivating others as it is in enriching personal motivation. While the consequence of winning is huge, the winning difference is always small. And it is for each person, whatever their role in the business, to choose to be that difference and make it happen.
Team Talk
There are three sets of skills you need to be a world class team player: the number on your shirt (your role); the badge on your shirt (your cooperation, collaboration and cohesion); you in your shirt (your uniqueness). Everyone in the team is valuable. Team achievement is about recruiting diversity and creating harmony, and not about encouraging and promoting uniformity. “Teamship” is using your strengths to get the best out of others and using their strengths to get the best out of you. The strength of the wolf is the pack; the strength of the pack is the wolf. In a successful business, people give power to the brand and the brand gives power to the people.
Coaching Matters
The most successful business cultures are learning-centred, committed to developing performance excellence through its people. In this we are both a performer taking on board the lessons of life experience, and a coach, passing on the lessons learned. So the skills, styles, strategies and systems of coaching are important, whatever our role. Very few people in the world match Frank’s experience as a “coach’s coach” – from teaching to coaching to mentoring. He looks at personal and team coaching; coaching beginners, developers and high performers and discusses potential versus performance and impact versus maintenance.
Leading Edge
Truly great leaders understand they are part of a team who are inside looking out -- so the players feel they are working with, rather than for, the leader. They enable the raw excellence of the players and share responsibility whether the team misses the target or when it is on the mark. Frank’s concept of great leadership is of an orchestra conductor who may not play any of the instruments as well as the players, but can blend and balance their inputs, making it possible for each to be significant and substantial to the excellence of collective outcome. It is not about creating followers but the aim is to create ownership and teamship – building on the concept “our team; my responsibility”.
Planning (Real!) Change
In addressing the challenge of our increasingly tough business arenas, sustainable competitive advantage rests on learning fast how we may create and adapt to change and translating the lessons learned to effective action. More often than not, the strategy to do so must focus not only on changing what we do and how we do it, but on the culture change necessary to make it happen. Frank examines the culture change process and the critical issues in successfully leading and managing its delivery. He also proposes as key personal behaviours – Own; Decide; Do (ODD!). And as key team behaviours – Join up the dots; Align vision and values; Manage relationships (JAM!).
To check Frank's availability or to make a booking please contact
office@fwd.uk.com or call 0203 603 0115